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Focus on Service Industry
OWW believes
that the growth in service industry in Asia will mirror that of manufacturing
industry. The key driving forces are globalisation, shorter
technology cycles, improvements in
communication infrastructure and economic growth. Asia is well
equipped to
capitalise on service outsourcing due to its abundant and educated labour pool, language
skills and low cost structure.
OWW has a deep understanding of the dynamics of service businesses as well as the global trends
spurring it. Portfolio companies can leverage on OWW's experience in
nurturing growth companies, strategies formulation and
adoption of best practices. By focusing on the service industry, OWW aims to build a cluster of leading
service providers,
with each company deriving synergies, benefits and potential mergers and
acquisition opportunities from the cluster.
OWW has established an extensive network spanning East Asia that includes
service industry experts, its sponsors and their network, its institutional
investors and portfolio companies, many of which are listed corporations in
Asia. Portfolio companies can tap on this network to catalyse business growth
and expand their Asian footprint.
Deep Understanding of Asian Entrepreneurs
With over 10 years of
investing in Asian entrepreneurs, OWW has gained deep understanding of
the entrepreneur's aspirations, motivations and considerations when working
with a venture investor, translating into an alignment of interest of
both the entrepreneur and OWW to achieve superior performance.
Over 10 Years of Investment Experience in Asia
OWW has experience in the full venture capital cycle of investment,
monitoring and divestment. OWW has made more
than 60 investments in East Asia and achieved more than 20 exits through
IPOs or trade sales.